We want answers to that question right now!
This is NOT a contest.
This is NOT a test of wills.
This is NOT a school assignment.
This is NOT a giveaway.
There is NO free trip.
There is NO chance.
There is NO prize.
There is NO entry fee.
There is NO drawing.
There IS free will.
There IS a celebration of opinion.
There IS a focus on talent.
There IS a penchant for thought.
There IS a premium on humanity.
Do the following if you are up to it:
Fill out the form on the following page and submit it with one (not two) of the following items:
(Maximum media size must not exceed 15 MB = 15,000 KB)
- Film or video…no more than 1 minute long (.wmv, .mov, .avi or .swf)
- Music or song…no more than 1 minute long (.mp3 or .wav)
- Photographs…no more than 6 images which can be in a slide show (.jpg, .gif or .swf)
- Work of art…no more than 6 images in a series (.jpg, .gif or .swf)
- Written word…no more than 250 works in length (.pdf, .doc or .txt)
- Spoken word recording…no more than 1 minute long (.mp3 or .wav)
- Performance on video…no more than 1 minute long (.wmv, .mov, .avi or .swf)
Subject Matters: Must be about an HUMANITARIAN CAUSE. Your choice. Your view. Your passion. Just something that matters to mankind.
What will we do with your stuff?
We’ll look at it, talk about it and the really exceptional stuff we’ll post on Thirsty’s site because the world needs to see what you have to say.
This is your chance to speak out and really be heard and seen. If you care, show us and show the world. Wake people up. Focus the attention span of the collective “we” and make everyone take note. Do it or don’t. It’s entirely up to you.