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By Michael Lara
Tokyo, Japan

Autonomy Games - Endless Hallway

“It’s alive. It’s alive! It’s alive! It’s alive! It’s alive! It’s alive. It’s alive! In the name of God, now I know what it feels to be God.” James Whale’s 1931 classic is not what you’d expect to be associated with an album or any band for sure. Yet, nearly 80 years later, Los Angeles’ ENDLESS HALLWAY do just that in giving you a classic expansive ride in their tale of life in their invigorating debut Autonomy Games (2009) via the passion of Ryan Jackson (vocals), Jono Evans (guitar), Joseph Mullen (drums), Michael Tye (guitars) and Evan MacCarthy (bass).

Incorporated into the Taste Of Chaos family, their validity duly flows fully, cleanly and strongly clear within the process of their game of operation, executing eleven engrossing surgeries for their own flight of the Phoenix.

“Autonomy Barrier” is a barrage that both share the beauty and horror of conflict. Bass-led “A Bad Current” vigorously and urgently chronicles a maddening, frustrated struggle seamlessly while “Cell” soars into the deliciously wild blue of the endless possibilities to be had in its endlessly crunching punch.

As with all lengthy overseas flights, a breather, a stretch is necessary and “Grey Flats” gives you a critical fair rest in its tribal resonance. “Shallows” rambles about in its soft, jangling carefree manner just as you feel when you’re in cruise control mode on a long road trip by yourself, deep in introspection in enjoying what you are discovering. “Remora” continues your deep happenings through its spinning chimes as you contemplate your choices while “Games” unleashes the momentum you need to achieve in its calling to make you live and love in full, without abandon.

“Solvency” is the aggressive, pummeling alarm clock you need to make you pursue what you truly want, no matter the cost.  Aggressive determination is all about “Toppled Dynamo” as it muscles ahead meanwhile sunny optimal skies unfurl in “Gamma,” showcasing the sweet discoveries one meets in its swooping swirl.  The finale sortie, “In Transit”, delivers what you have ahead to richly savor.

Watch these 5 continue to collaborate with a deserved return flight operations to Nippon either FUJI ROCK or SUMMER SONIC this year.

Until then, discover your proof with these 4 Californians and lone Georgian here or elsewhere as they unfurl their laboratory onto you:

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All opinions expressed by Michael Lara are solely his own and do not reflect the opinions of Stay Thirsty Media, Inc.



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