Memorable Quotes from Creative Minds for Summer 2017




Sometimes, something once said can change a life. We all seem to have a favorite quote from that lighthearted 20th century philosopher Yogi Berra or a deeper one from writers like Henry David Thoreau or political figures like Winston Churchill. The following quotes are from the Summer 2017 edition of Stay Thirsty Magazine. Thoughtful words from accomplished people that might just strike a chord.


BILLY COLLINS: Philosophical inquiry would be less intense if all that existed was just this solar system. It would actually seem kind of “cute” compared to the baffling question of space that just goes on and on. 


KEVIN PUTS: The music I love most is deeply emotional, deeply human and I guess has a universal appeal to those of us with empathy and openness.

 GIANCARLO GUERRERO: It is imperative for musical institutions to create ways for young audiences to be exposed to classical music. 


 NORMAN ROSENTHAL, MD: The balance between engagement and detachment offers an important key to a happy and successful life. 


 ROBERT SHERMAN: I loved to be around music, though, and finally settled on radio as a way to be involved with it that didn't involve practicing.


 LUIS PEREZ: I believe in the uniqueness of each individual performer and try and foster their understanding of themselves and what they bring to the table.


 RACHEL BARTON PINE: I am convinced that Paganini published his Caprices to preserve a record of both his technical advances and his compositional prowess.


 FRED BRONSTEIN: If we don’t think about our role in developing and growing audiences, who will be there to listen?


 MANDY LEN CATRON: I think most of us would probably prefer love came with a guarantee. 


 STEVEN JAY GRIFFEL: I named him David Grossman: David for the sensitive shepherd boy who played the lyre, wrote psalms, slew Goliath, and became King; Grossman for all that is dirty, common, feckless, and selfish. 


 MARK YOST: And what ensues is a great human drama, of a man – a desperate man – trying to redeem himself and find what little dignity he has left in life. [The Verdict starring Paul Newman]


 JASON HEWITT: I don’t write what I know but what I want to know.


 CATE LINEBERRY: No matter what story I’m trying to tell, it’s incredibly important to me to get it right.


 EMILY HOLLEMAN: It helps when the historical facts are already full of high-stakes and scandal! 


 TOM LOWENSTEIN: There is something shocking about sitting in a room with someone who put an innocent man on death row, admits that the snitch she used to do it was a pathological liar, and yet refuses to even consider the possibility that she convicted the wrong man.


 JAY FOX: If there is anything that I can tell you about being a musician in New York City it's this: Nothing is easy.

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